Four Locations That Require Commercial Refrigeration

Four Locations That Require Commercial Refrigeration

Commercial refrigeration systems are beneficial in a range of industries whether you run a small cafe or a large industrial business. Keeping your produce fresh is essential for the safety of your customers and maintaining hygiene standards. So, which locations require commercial refrigeration.

Here are four of the top places where commercial refrigeration may be needed.


In a busy restaurant, you must store your ingredients properly to keep the kitchen running smoothly and prevent cross-contamination. Eateries have specific health and safety measures that must be adhered to, one of which concerns how produce is stored. To ensure that your inspections go well and your customers receive tasty meals, commercial refrigeration is key.

Retail stores

Supermarkets, convenience stores and other retail outlets that sell fresh produce will all benefit from the right kind of refrigeration. Display units, for example, make it easy for customers to see exactly what they need and the unit will keep the produce at a safe temperature all day.


Do you run a small cafe? You may still need a commercial refrigerator! Similarly to the retail store, units and other cooling solutions will ensure that your stock stays fresh and you don’t have any customer complaints! This is also a great way of showing off all of your delicious goodies so passersby are more likely to pop in.

Industrial environments

Factories, production and other industrial environments will often hold mass amounts of stock which needs to be stored properly before being shipped. Cold rooms are just one solution for this as they can be used for food, chemical or pharmaceutical products.

At Ian Hobbs Technical Services, we offer a complete refrigeration solution from site surveys to installation. Our team will discuss your requirements and find the right refrigeration systems such as cold rooms, display units, cols stores and more. Not only will these keep your produce safe but the right kind of refrigeration will make it easier for you to manage stock levels. Get in touch with us today for more information.